Thursday, November 15, 2012

Against Evolutionism

The main doctrine of Evolutionism is of course that man ascended out of a primordial bowl of soup and slowly evolved into the intelligent being it is today. We started out as bacteria, evolved into fish, developed feet, walked on to land, and over millions of years we're now very clever and we've landed men on the moon, proof of our advanced condition. Thus its doctrine is essentially that of ascension out of becoming. This then is the counter-doctrine to Traditionalism which maintains man descended into his state from an original eternal Principle.

But if we are to consider that man evolved out of nothing then we must also accept that this same primordial chaos is still the basis for all life. It then follows that there must be beings everywhere in various degrees of evolution still today, either the most advanced such as man, advanced monkeys on the brink of being human, beings right on the edge of becoming monkeys, and so on. In essence, there should still be primtive cavemen about whom the evolutionists claim we came from and that are the basis for future humans.

But nowhere in nature do we see this. There are no proto-humans anywhere who as monkeys mutated and are now able to do primitive tasks like cavemen. Not one ape or monkey has been found that is even marginally human or that mutated and broke away from the other apes in its pack and ended up in a cave and managed to find and mate with other mutants. And nowhere else do we see the prototypes for any other being as well. Especially with modern scientists analyzing every inch of the earth, we would see evidence of human beings in an intermediate state of evolution between ape and human all over the place, but we don't.

In addition, there is abundant evidence from archaeology finds that our ancestors, rather than being the primitive cavemen fresh out of a pack of apes evolutionists portray them as, had highly sophisticated civilizations and practiced a superior form of sacred science and mathematics and had an understanding of the cosmos that most modernists, in their "advanced" state, are totally unable to now comprehend.

In truth the understanding, greatness of will and being, and knowledge of ancient man was exponentially greater and more profound than that of modern man in his tiny, reduced, decadent state. Not only is modern man not more advanced in knowledge and more evolved, but quite the opposite, he is devolved, our knowledge, being, understanding, and wisdom is now greatly reduced from that of our ancestors. As mystic Sufi poet Jalal-adin Rumi wrote, "This is how foolish we've become! A human being is a mountain range! Snakes are fascinated by us! Yet we sell ourselves to look at a dead snake."

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